Guidance on COVID-19 in Children

Click the link below to view/download the letter to parents (dated 31 August 2020) from Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director containing advice on the symptoms of COVID-19, what to do if your child has symptoms and the differences between the symptoms of COVID-19 and the common cold.

Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020

Click the link below to view/download the letter to parents (dated 31 August 2020) from John Swinney, Deputy Prime Mister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

2020 Deputy First Minister Letter

Information is also available on the Parent Club website:



Face Coverings in Schools

The Scottish Government has updated their guidance on face coverings in schools. Effective 31 August 2020, the following applies:

In light of the latest scientific and public health advice, including World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines, face coverings should now (unless exemptions apply) be worn:

• in secondary schools, by adults and all pupils moving around the school, such as in corridors and communal areas where physical distancing is difficult to maintain
• on dedicated school transport by all children aged five and over, bringing it into line with guidance for public transport.

Click here to view/download the letter to parents.

face coverings letter for parents

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Information from the NHS:

  1. My child has symptoms that could be COVID=19.  What should I do?
  2. A member of my household has symptoms of COVID-19.  Can my child attend school?
  3. What will happen if the result is negative for my child or for a member of staff?
  4. I have heard that a child who was in my child’s class is being tested for COVID-19.  Do I need to do anything?
  5. I have heard that a teacher/staff member/pupil was at school with symptoms today.  What should I do?

AND 13 more questions….

Click the link below to view/download the NHS Factsheet.

COVID-19 – FAQs for NHS Highland area schools

Head Pupils

Congratulations to our new head pupil team – Joint Head Pupils Katey Thompson and Michelle Ross and Deputy Head Szymon Klodzinski.

Head Pupils for 2020-2021


From L-R:  Katey Thompson, Szymon Klodzinski and Michelle Ross